Auction February 23rd, 2019

February 23rd, 2019
Including various Estates sold by various executors including TD Trust; Featuring art work, jewellery, books, antique & vintage furniture, Royal Doultons, glass, china, etc.
Maritime Hall, 2901 Windsor St., Halifax,
Almon Street Entrance To Maritime Hall
Friday Feb 22nd 2:00-6:00 pm
Doors open: 8:30am
Misc., books & Box lots: 9:15am
Main Sale: 10:00am
Art: Joseph Purcell (4), Tom Forrestall, Graham Buzz Baker (2), Scott Croft (5), Ken Huxley (2), Chandler pastels (6), Earl Bailly (5), Bev Hubley (3), Al Chaddock, etc. Serigraphs by Dusan Kadlec (2), Tom Forrestall, Yvon Gallant, Beaudoin, Krieghoff, Liz Wilcox(3),Carl Benders 4 etc.
Clocks: Grandfather clock c.1815, grandfather clock c.1840, New Haven banjo clock, misc. mantel & wall clocks, R. H. Cogswell Halifax pocket watch, 9 ct gold English pocket watch, etc.
Jewellery: Misc. 10 & 14k gold diamond set rings, misc. diamond stud earrings, costume jewellery, etc.
Rugs & Carpets: Approx 15 misc oriental rugs & carpets, collection of figural hooked mats (20)
Furniture: Mid century modern teak table & chairs, teak bed, barrister’s bookcases, stepped back china cabinet, Geo. III style settee, Roxton & Vilas maple bedroom furniture, etc.
China & Glass: Approx. 30 Royal Doulton figures, 20 Lladro figures, Royal Albert Old Country Rose – 100 pces., collection of coloured glass c.1890, etc.
Miscellaneous: Large quantity Pictou County books, 4 boxes, 22 annual volumes London Illustrated News 1856 on (to be sold with box lots), misc. stamps, Frank Young signed spinning wheel, snowshoes, St. Jean Port Jolie carvings, World War II vintage German battleship binoculars on stand etc.
Now accepting consignments for our Annual Chester Sale, August 3rd
Terms & Conditions:
Cash & debit
Visa & Mastercard also available
All items to be removed the day of sale
Crowther & Brayley Ltd.