Auction October 19th, 2019

Saturday October 19th, 2019
Maritime Hall, 2901 Windsor St., Halifax,
Almon Street Entrance To Maritime Hall
Friday Oct 18th 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Doors open: 8:30am
Misc & Box lots: 9:15am
Main Sale: 10:00am
Including items from three South End Estates & a Chester residence
Upcoming Sales:
Saturday November 16th including an extensive collection of Lorenzen Mushrooms

Antique Arms
Art Work: Robert Pilot, Hannaford (3), Scott Croft (4), John Cook (3), Don Curley (3), Suezan Aikins (3), Mark Grantham (2), Anthony Law, Ted Harrison, Harry Wijk (4), Dusan Kadlec, Hilton Hassel, etc., approx. 85 paintings & watercolours.
Antiques Arms: Pr. 18th c. Bianchi flintlock pistols, Katana c.1670, Dublin Castle flintlock pistol, 18th c. rapier w. sterling handle, British Light Dragoon pistol, approx. 30 black powder gun flasks, all to be sold commencing 11 am.
Sterling Silver & Jewellery: Carl Poul Petersen bowl, Jensen sugar spoons, 2 Geo.III toddy ladles, pair Geo. III shell dishes 1794, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths waiter 1903, Art Nouveau basket, etc., 2 antique gold bracelets, misc. diamond & tanzanite gold rings, approx. 60 lots, plus costume jewellery, and a quantity of silver plate.
Art Pottery: Lorenzen, Hagen, Deichmann, Grand Pre, Point Michaud, Ouellette, etc.
Glass & China: Waterford crystal, NS glass, Royal Albert, 200 pcs. Fiesta ware, 19th c. majolica & transferware, etc.
Furniture: Campaign chest c.1840, 2 grandfather clocks c.1820, pine furniture, music cabinet, antique side tables, bureaus, dressers, etc.
Oriental Carpets: Rugs, runners – 30 plus
Miscellaneous: CCM hockey stick c.1940, telescope c.1900, Dinky toys, comics, 40 washboards, tea caddies & boxes, Arts & Crafts bookends, crocks, misc. military, etc.