Chester 2017 Auction

Eleanor Pew Memorial Arena
190 Pig Loop Rd., Chester, NS
Auction List
Works of Art: The Sketching Party by Frederick Horsman Varley, Barns at Granville Que. by A. J. Casson 24 x 36″, Arthur Lismer (2), Franz Johnston, Maud Lewis (6), Robert Pilot, Anthony Law (4), Edith Smith (2), Earl Bailly (4), Kelsey Raymond (4), Arthur Lloy (5), Mark Brennan (3), Robert Harris, John Hammond (2), Dennis Teakle (4), Dusan Kadlec (4), Henri Masson, Donald Mackay, Tom MacKay (4), etc.
Significant items of Nova Scotia Interest, China Trade paintng of a Carmichael Line ship in Hong Kong Harbour c 1890;The Vancouver, a Yarmouth ship by W. H. Yorke, a good Mi’kmaw quill box, gold nugget watch chain, Herman Schaefer, two outstanding Nova Scotia postcard albums
Sterling Silver including Canadian Makers: Louis Amiot – 6 rare tablespoons Quebec c.1820, Carl Poul Petersen, Pierre Lesperance, Nordbeck, Brown, Mappin & Webb fatware set for 8, Geo. III wine funnle London 1822, Birks Geo. III style cofee pot, etc.
Decorative Items: A very good Lorenzen Potery bowl, Tifany silver plate desk set, pr. Rolland Paris cold painted bronze bookends, Kumeo Tietaro Meiji period vase c.1905 Serigraphs & Watercolours: David Blackwood (2), Suezan Aikins (3), John Neville, lge. Jos. Purcell Hfx. waterfront c.1850, etc.
Furniture: Thomas Nisbet Pembroke table with label, very good Anglo-Chinese campaign chest c.1860, good mahogany concertna campaign table c 1820, American 4-drawer chest c.1780, stepped back cupboard c.1820, Quebec armoire c.1820, Good campaign secretary desk chest c 1840 etc.
Jewellery: Variety of daimond rings,gold jewelry,
Inuit Carvings: 19 lots
Oriental Rugs: 20 incl. Nain silk rug 8 x 12′, Kazak c.1900, 3 Heriz c.1920, Qashgai c.1900, Turkoman, etc.
Instruments: Major F. W. W. Doane’s WWI pocket sextant & compass, surveying aneroid barometer, barometers, two 19 the century theodolites, sextant etc.
Asian items: Pair of good Chinese Rosewood armchairs c 1880, two 19th century scholars chairs, misc 19th&early 20th century Chinese ceramics vase etc.
Miscellaneous: Irish violin d.1800, 2 early 19th century American fre buckets, rare bearskin coat c.1890, dioramas, Bartlet’s prints of Canada, MacAskill limited editon Graveyard of Acadie, numbered, early 19th century 72″ punt gun in excellent condition etc.