Auction Nov 24th, 2018

Saturday November 24, 2018
Maritime Hall, 2901 Windsor St., Halifax,
Almon Street Entrance To Maritime Hall
Including a good collection of Estate Art Work including Alex Colville, David Blackwood, Paul Caron, Edith Smith, Lewis Smith, Alan Wylie, Inuit prints, Inuit Carvings, sterling silver including two flatware sets, fur coats including Christian Dior black mink, misc. jewelry, antique furniture, a collection of Maritime folk art etc., and a Lorenzen collection 40 pieces.
Friday Nov 23rd 2:00pm – 6:00 pm
Saturday Nov 24th:
Doors open: 8:30am
Misc & Box lots: 9:15am
Main Sale: 10:00am
Approx. 550 lots
Paintings & Watercolour: Dusan Kadlec, Maud Lewis, Helen Weld, Edith Smith (4), Joseph Purcell (4), Scott Croft (4), Paul Caron, Alan Wylie (3), Bruno Bobak, Mark Brannen (3), Douglas Elliott, Jeannie Hancock, Geoff Butler, Lucy Jarvis, Shelley Mitchell, Wm. de Garthe, Joe Sleep, John Cook (7), plus 7 sketch books, photographs & ephemera from Cook’s Estate.
Serigraphs & Prints: Alex Colville, David Blackwood (2), Lewis Smith, Suezan Aikins, Walter J. Phillips, Sue Paterson, Molly Bobak, David Silverberg, etc.
Lorenzen: Mushrooms (25) 2″ to 7″, misc. bowls, plates, etc.
Jewellery: 14k gold diamond set necklace & bracelet, 15 misc. diamond rings incl. 2 man’s, misc. 10k & 14k gold rings, Tiffany sterling silver jewellery, Southwest sterling, qty. sterling silver jewellery, misc. costume, etc.
Inuit: 6 prints, Pitaloosie Dorset (3), plus carvings (20).
Sterling Silver: Georg Jensen Acorn pattern flatware set for 6, International sterling silver flatware set for 8, misc. dresser sets, bowls, inkwell, etc.
Folk Art: Murray Gallant, Scott Higgins, Donald Boudreau, Ian Fancy, Lennie Gallant, interesting hooked rugs, etc.
China & Figurines: Royal Doultons, The Wizard, Jester, Detective, Doctor, Lobsterman, Golfer, Royal Worcester Chantilly dinnerware set, misc. Hummels, Nova Scotia glass Starflower compotes, pitcher, Centennial pedestal cake plate, raspberry, Robert Held, etc.
Maps: Five 18th century maps of NS incl. Nathaniel Black 1722.
Furniture & Oriental Rugs: 8 carpets & rugs, Chinese carved stand c.1830, NS two drawer stand c.1840, Wm. IV rosewood sewing stand c.1830, Wm. IV rosewood serving stand c.1830, Windsor chair c.1780, tilt top tea table c.1780, carved oak sideboard & dining table, pine dropleaf table c.1840.
PLUS a good Christian Dior mink coat, Norman Hartnell Persian lamb coat & others, plus misc. Canadian coins.
Upcoming sale January 26th
Including Arts & Crafts and Mid Century Modern furniture & a good collection of toys from an Estate.
Terms & Conditions:
Cash & debit
Visa & Mastercard also available
All items to be removed the day of sale
Crowther & Brayley Ltd.
Gallery of November 24th, 2018